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My switch to healthy snacking...

My switch to healthy snacking...

My switch to healthy snacking...

I must say, I'm not naturally a healthy person, I used to eat crisps, chocolate and occasionally the odd sweets. Prior to the pandemic, even I did not appreciate healthy snacking and the benefits it can bring. I used to think that "Healthy snacks cost too much" or "They don't taste too good" and I was so wrong, there’s so much choice for healthy snacks and there’s something for everyone. 

Luckily, though WellEasy, I've had the chance to try many different brands, and now I get more excited trying a new healthy snack brand than I would have ever by opening a chocolate bar. I’m definitely a healthy snacking convert…

Why do I now prefer healthy snacking?

  1. Healthy snacks are much more filling. The purpose of a healthy snack is not only to indulge, but to help fill you up. One healthy snack that I find that fulfils this purpose is the Protein Ball Co., filled with plant protein, healthy fats and vitamins, they are so satiating, I find myself feeling super satisfied after only a couple of balls…
  2. Healthy snacks can taste amazing too! One misconception about unhealthy snacks is that they taste bad, and this is far from the truth. Healthy snacks taste great. For one of those days when I have that sweet tooth, I like digging into some Jealous Sweets, both sugar-free and vegan, they are 100% guilt-free.
  3. Healthy snacking helps to boost my performance. Dark chocolate has countless benefits over its milky alternative. Research has said that it improves cogitative performance, is good for your skin and is a source of powerful antioxidants. 
  4. Healthy snacking isn’t expensive. One of my go-to snacks for that afternoon slump during all my zoom meetings is LoveCorn, at 100% corn, it’s simple but also very flavoursome. It’s less than a quid a bag, and one bag tends to last me a couple of afternoons as there’s so many corn pieces in the box. The crunch is my favourite part.
  5. There are some amazing British healthy snack brands with great stories. Not only are Livia’s snacks amazingly tasty, but her story is also inspiring too. She started her snack brand straight from University like me and she is now in most high-street stores. I saw her tell her story at a start-up conference in January 2020 (back in those pre-Covid days…) and she is a powerful female entrepreneur with a great story to remember whilst I tuck into the snacks.

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