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Eating with Purpose with Catherine Farrant Founder of Ossa Organic

Eating with Purpose with Catherine Farrant Founder of Ossa Organic

Eating with Purpose with Catherine Farrant Founder of Ossa Organic

Eating with Purpose with Catherine Farrant Founder of Ossa Organic

Eating with Purpose with Catherine Farrant Founder of Ossa Organic

Bone Broth is a at the heart of your company, how can you incorporate this into everyday cooking and lifestyle?

Bone broth is an age-old elixir. In this modern world, we are aggressively sold processed foods, toxic seed oils like sunflower and rapeseed oil and these inflammatory foods are making us sick. Bone Broth is the perfect gentle starter to your gut health journey, naturally rich in collagen protein and essential amino acids to support not only your digestive health but overall wellbeing. A versatile ingredient which can be enjoyed every day either as a nourishing brew straight up after heating or as a nutrient boost to cooking in the Pan, in a Cup or even Cold:

Pan: steam rice and noodles using broth. This increases protein levels as broth is high in clean protein and also adds amino acids and collagen to your diet.

Cup: In the US, people are drinking bone broth from cafes and take away shops. It’s the new coffee. Try sipping a warming cup of broth with black pepper, chilli or a dollop our ghee as a nutritious, gut healing snack.

Cold: Bone Broth is so versatile and can be added to cold and warm soups to beef up collagen levels. It can also be added to smoothies or even better just add two tablespoons of our certified grassfed collagen.

Tradition not Trend is a part of your mantra, could you explain why this is so important?

A study was done on ancestral tribes around the world and the condition and straightness of their teeth as well as their jaw alignment. Humans that eat as close as possible to the Palaeolithic ways, with a paleo diet consisting of low inflammatory foods, meat, veg, berries, raw honey and raw dairy, nose to tail (bone broth, collagen and gelatin) and good fats (butter, ghee, tallow) naturally had whiter, straighter teeth and less predominant issues with their jaw line and bite (as in over bite or underbite). You can be sure if you have jaw or bite issues and skewer teeth, that ancestrally, your line has been affected by modern diet.

Looking back to tradition and not following didactic trend like veganism to the extreme, juice diets and other fads, that your goal will be natural nourishment, hormonal balance and wellbeing as opposed to striving for some ridiculous perception of what the media tries to tell you, you should be. 

Ancestral eating as we believe in at Ossa Organic - and Ancestral Beauty that our sister brand Fierce Nature focuses on- is a lifestyle that will change your life.

This is why this is so important to us. Food and beauty from the land, not a lab.

How can you incorporate children and healthy eating, what are the benefits for children?

Children are more adventurous than we think. Instead of prescribing to bland and processed childrens snacks why not let them try new foods like chicken livers or delicious, zinc rich oysters. Don’t turn food away for them assuming they wouldn’t eat it because of your own childhood conditioning.

From the age we move from breastmilk to real food, we as parents have the opportunity to nourish our babies. As a breastfeeding mother, the food we eat, the nutrients we take in and the amount of good fats we eat affect the quality of our milk so the earlier we start the better.

Breastmilk contains high levels of cholesterol because babies thrive and grow on cholesterol in the formative and vital early stages of life.

Eat good fat, eat nose to tail and sustainably. Organic where possible and feed your children REAL FOOD PLEASE.

Too many children in the UK have dets consisting of 60% processed foods. This is a silent and dangerous killer and change will come from us taking the lead and teaching them about the healing power of natural food!

The evolution of your products is compelling, lets talk about the product evolution story?

Ossa was born out of my passion for researching anti-inflammatory foods and way of life when pregnant with my first child. Bone broth kept coming up again and again for me as I learnt and uncovered more of its healing properties. It had been used as a power house for millenia and ancient tradition talks of bone broth being a magical healing elixir.

It all unfolded from there and our range grew naturally I as uncovered and learnt more about daily staples that could change the shape of our health. Our tallow was born next as I learnt how people were used this nourishing fat to cook with as well as to make natural candles, skin balms and soaps.

And the story goes on...

Our range brings ancestral daily staples to the modern world. There is not a day in this house where I don’t use two or more Ossa product for me and my growing family.

What does the future of Ossa organic look like?

We are so excited by the future as more people awaken to the power of gut health and move away from processed foods to more natural and clean ways of eating. Ossa’s reach is growing consistently but maybe what we are most proud of is the ways in which we have been able to inspire and educate people to make change.

At Ossa we talk about “intuitive eating”, “nourishing over nothing” and about “eating with purpose”. These mantra’s which we share on social media help shift our mindset away from modern toxic foods and towards healing our body with the restorative foods.

The future is bright so join us and make your gut health a priority today.

What challenges did you face when starting your business venture?

My biggest challenge at the time was talking to a market who had never heard of bone broth. Customers and buyers at supermarkets didn’t know about keto, paleo or clean eating.

There was a massive education gap in the market and in order to bring my brand and product to life, I had to get up and out and start inspiring people to want to learn about gut health.

 I also had to get them motivated to learn about bone broth, why you need it and how to use it.

That was alongside the other challenges of being a brand-new entrepreneur. At the time, I was pregnant with my second child and was working full time in the city. The mission was so important for me that none of it felt like hard work. I guess that’s what happens when you begin to do what you love.

As the business has grown, the challenges have come and gone.

These include and are not limited to; being an efficient manager and a kind and authentic leader to my team, keeping an eye on cash flow, understanding accounts, watching debtors and learning from the many mistakes one tends to make.

All this whilst raising my family of now 3 boys... the bottom line, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

How do you see your business growing with the wellness industry?

We believe in tradition not trend so we won't ride on the coat tails of fads in the food business, that is just not Ossa.

The real growth in wellness, gut health and change, well we plan to track right alongside that growth in the industry!

As an entrepreneur and founder of 2 natural food and beauty brands, I am not offering you a product, I am providing a solution and a lifestyle to benefit the community and the next generation and that’s the difference here.

You can find Ossa Organics whole range here


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